Friday 16 September 2016


I usually spend about 30 minutes into the washroom,
Before I do anything I turn on the geezer because I can’t stand cold water in the morning it ruins the night  I’ve still stored in my eyes.
I used to trim my hair daily but since last few months  I’ve started keeping a little stubble but fairly trimmed 
I brush my teeth twice because the first time the tooth of brush is hard and it gets too rough on gums, it follows with a Listerine mouthwash. I like to dilute the mouthwash a little before rolling it in my mouth. It’s too stingy to be taken without a 20 ml of water in it.
While the whole procedure of getting ready for work lasts, my eyes are drowsy and you can sense it from the puffiness and although you might find them attractive in certain ways, I feel like punching anyone I see that time because yes, I’m a little cranky at the mornings, usually people find it delightful to greet with a smile and I like to respond with a middle finger pointed at them
 I can barely see through my eyes and there are often times when I pick up a facewash instead of a toothpaste to put on to my brush.

I like taking a shower naked because I don’t like anything coming between my skin and the hot stream of soothing water,   there’s something eternally enchanting about the warm water touching your skin, like if the water had feelings, it will be getting intimate with you in most alluring ways, touching you at places no one else would ever think of.

I can do with any soap they all comes from the same fats potassium sodium treated under strong chemical preservatives with a tad bit of different colors and fragrances, in the end they’re all serving same purpose in mildly different way.
I don’t use soap for my face since the skin of face is much sensitive that can be affected by the smallest of things, that’s why I use a lemon based facewash or something which include benzoyl  peroxide and salicylic acid in strong composition since I have a acnegenic  skin, while purchasing a facewash I make sure that it doesn’t have a perfume or any fragrance, because people don’t sniff your face whenever you’re with them, not generally.

 The only shampoo I use is the one with anti dandruff property, that’s it that’s all, pour some on my palm gently spread it over the palm of the other hand and play a little with your hair, let the bubbly mess reached the roots of my hair crawl onto my scalp and don’t leave a single hair untouched.
I Wait for 1-3 minutes and rinse it off with the warm water.

That’s almost all of it…