Tuesday 23 October 2012

I was delighted from the beginning of that day since after a while I got opportunity to donate blood again. The last time I gave blood was at a medical campaign at some hospital.
 Donating blood might be a small thing for everyone but it just fascinates me. I won’t deny but somewhere inside me, it does make me feel a better person.

When I reached college, I was already behind one lecture. It was result of my late night’s conversation.
 This thing happens on Mondays mostly, the next day I get used to it.
 Though I resolute myself to sleep as soon as I can, but every night I end up sharing some memorable moments with a friend of mine, I just can’t help it. At some time when I am lost in a philosophical combat with myself, I can’t see a better or bitter end, would we converse in same way after a day or a week or a month? Does time affect everything? Is there a mere chance of impossible?  And frequently the last question pops up is “am I thinking too much?”
Well it’s my every other day’s story so we might just want to skip this part.

The left 3 lectures went with an ease, one in sleeping while other two in checking our answer sheets of the first midterm exams. I was relieved by my scores since they kept me in the sincere student’s category.

I was glad to witness a large crowd at the blood donation campaign. I went straight to registry and signed into it. Number 84, that’s me and that mean we already got 83 units of blood by 11.30 in morning and the campaign will run till 8 of night that makes a lot of units. “AWESOME” I yelled in my mind.
 A queue of around 10 students welcomed me, I merged somewhere in between them because all of them were my classmates.
Doctor: “your age?”
Me: 20
Doctor: have you donated blood before?
Me: Yes sir, plenty of times (with a glorifying smile on my face)
Doctor: Are you undergoing any treatment , any blood dieses .
Me: Nope.
Doctor: weight?
I went ahead on the weighing machine and “65” I told him.
It’s relatively more than I actually weight, might because of my heavy woodland shoes.
He handed over me 2 of blood transfusion bags. Which I took inside a big hall where plenty of beds were located on which students were lying and their blood was transferring to the blood bags.
“It must look like a dining hall to a vampire” I muttered.

I went inside that hall and lied down on a bed. A medical trainee came by and wrapped up blood pressure measuring equipment around my right arm. He passed me a yellow rubber ball which had a smiley face imprinted on it.
He pushed a 5 inches needle inside above my forearm, and blood started flowing into the blood bag. I was constantly squeezing the rubber ball that felt a little humorous. 5 minutes and I was done.
Blood bag was filled and a unit was ready. I stood up and the trainee cleaned off a little blood from my forearm with a cotton ball. I was advised to keep my forearm bend for few minutes so that blood doesn’t start flowing out again.

I touched my piece of donation and felt pride.
I wish everyone does that.
Cause who knows where the circle of life will take us?
I am a donor today,
but might become needier tomorrow…


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