Friday 3 June 2016


I remember that day when i saw you for the first time.

You were trying to squeeze yourself in the corner of a small cartoon, you were scared of all of us.. You couldn't even fill the corner that box. Your eyes were popping out of your small tiny head. Your fur ohh the fur... It was smoother than the cashmere wool. Your pocket sized paws were so cute i could just eat them up...the tail like a shred of noodles, pea sized little vampire teethes that you loved to dig on my sweeter or my fingers.. 
You could fit on my palm like it's the place where you actually belong. 

I remember when i posted your picture on Facebook, my ex commented "finally you have someone you can enjoy with" yes. You were someone whom i could enjoy with. You loved to sleep on my abdomen every now and then, and pissed me off everytime you pissed or puked on my bed.

I hated to take you out because you'd pee or scratch the walls for hours like you were some engraving artist.. People's dog follow them but i followed you everywhere you went. You'd follow random people, pee or chew tyres of cars and create ruckus for everyone... 

I remember, when the first time i broke up with someone I truly loved. I'd spend hours hugging, patting and caress your back. I didn't notice but you always felt my pain. In the deepest eye contact we used to have, showed me how much love you had for me. You were more than a pet to me, you were my brother, my best friend, my child, my counsellor you were more than world to me..You understood me in the best way no human ever can or ever will for that matter.. 

Yes I don't care about anyone except my family and you were a intigrated part of were the best part of it..

I remember how you used to love cucumber and jump on every slice of it.
How you jumped on to my chest everytime i came back from office i never minded the scars your nails gave me since for me they were a sign of your affection... I remember how My nephew and niece used to tease you day and night but you never ever barked at them... I hated them whenever they tried to pull your tail or sit on your back and you had to go away from me at such moments..., 

I'm sorry you had to suffer when my parents and i moved away from your place... And I often though of going back to that place just to meet you but than I couldn't... Humans have lost humanity i guess... 

I hate myself for not being there to witness your final moments... Your last breath... Your last expression.. I hate myself for not caressing your back when you were going through that intense pain... For not kissing your forehead when your soul flew away... 

Jerry my love. 
You passed away leaving a hole in my heart and emptiness in my life... 
See you on the other side brother...

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