Sunday 17 June 2012

The Rise

life goes on usually,
you wake up every day
go to work
back to home
hangout with friends sometimes
life is just fine
no rivalry no issues with "the way things are" 
then you meet someone
some stranger..
some unknown person...
a face that doesn't resemble to any faces you've seen ever in your life.
a thinking that just fits into yours
texts,calls, suddenly your cell become more important then your dinner
first time your out there with some one you've just met
first time your comfortable with a stranger
you desire to meet that person over and over
you want,
to be with some one.
its spring time
and you love your life
your eyes dream a perfect future
you feel complete


The  Fall,

life take miserable turns that leads to nowhere.
its like,
something push you
and you can't stop yourself from falling.
the reasons to live
starts getting out of your reach
you extend your hand still you get nothing but the burned ashes of past
you go to see the garden of roses
you see the dry leaf's on the ground
you start seeing beauty in death cause it doesn't change..
you start expecting from a rock
cause rock doesn't change its nature,
will it?
you doubt it....
you doubt everything for their uncertainty of changing over time
you don't trust anyone, not even yourself , and why should you?
you failed to judge a people,
that makes you not eligible to trust anyone.
you feel betrayed
you feel empty
you feel numb....

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