Saturday 29 December 2012

I love my India?

It’s not only about the Delhi rape victim who just died from multi function failure. It’s about every human being who is raped, molested, abused, misused, exploited and killed in our country. Why only our country? Why only india?
Here’s the fact.
1.    1.   Rapes in India are exactly doubled in the duration of 1990 and 2012.
2.    2. In an article posted in 2002, according to the directories, in every 54 minutes a girl is raped.
3.    3.  You must be hoping that the bars would have come down in 2012 but no, today, in every 20 minutes a girl is raped in india. Our country is progressing, where?
4.    4.   Let alone the rest of country, in every 18 hours a girl is raped in delhi and molested in every 14 hours. 
6.       As you see in the image, sourced by delhi police administration, most of rapes and molestations in delhi are done by relatives, friends & acquaintances.
I suppose you don’t need to be scared of strangers but your own peoples.

These facts are sourced by our government’s directories that means, there are much more rapes in reality, since, half of rape cases are not filed or reported due to the honor and status of a orthodox society (yaar, ghanta ukhad loge repo ka when your own family will suffering?)

The shocking fact is that every rapist or molester is below 25 year. Yeah, rage of overflowing libido & testosterone  why don’t you cut off the prick which is supposed to be root of this problem?  
If you think your hormones are high, why don’t you just jerk off and save your and others time??
No hormone but the shameful mentality is responsible for these actions.

Changes in law that must be taken:
1.       Rapists must be hanged if victim dies.
2.       Every rapist must be castrated.
3.       Rapist must be imprisoned for life time.
4.       Molesters must be imprisoned for least 20 years.

We don’t have to punish but destroy every criminal so that he will understand what he has done, what he deserves. We have to show them HELL.

And to the government,
Give the same treatment to every victim that you have given to that girl. it’s obvious that you have taken this matter seriously as it have became a political issue.
Just think for a sec, if every victim gets that level of high treatment, how many girls would be saved from dying till now?

Even the social media has taken this news as their TRP dose, four days and we hear nothing but the same news of protests and rebellious delhi peoples.
And when it’s india vs Pakistan? Screw the girl’s news we have already used that and let’s focus on indo pak rivalry, we can make a lot of moolas   out of this stuff..
Disgrace on you guys, you proved everything is nothing but business, news business” at least choose a better profession where you don’t have to feed on other’s lives.

We are not here to brag about social injustice, unfairness and discrimination. We don’t ask for the best but at least a better system.
And if you say, join politics and run nation. It’s not our work. It’s yours. And yes, if it’s our job then I elect arvind kejrival, anna,kiran bedi and prashant bhushan Resign from your spot and let these people take the responsibilities in their hands.
You have a nation to run, feel the responsibility on your shoulders.

 We don’t want attention,
we want solution,
We want justice.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

The wasted hours..

As time passed by 8th to 20th of this month with a furious pace of exams, I resulted in a lazy panda from the zoo. Although I was able to transform my schedule to an ideal mode, but it didn’t helped me in doing something innovative.
 Dad has still kept me away from the family business that I am irresistibly willing to drawn myself into but I guess it’s not the right time as dad says.
Now when I have all the time in the world, I begin my day with a new chapter of a crappy novel , being better then a 90 minute movie, a novel helps a lot killing this heap of time I have. No wonder I hate its high class sophisticated slang as I have to keep a dictionary app opened in my android. I mean if it’s made for the Indian readers as its author and the publishing house says then why the hell it isn’t written like a bit SIMPLER.
I have read a few novelists like chetan bhagat, ravindra singh, Neil strauss and a few more, yes I accept I am not much of a reader far away from being a certified critic, I understood what’s written and what does it means. But the “Right fit wrong shoe” was a disaster to read.  Although I liked the story but the language was a bit too complex for a teenage mind. They should put some warning signs on these kinds of books.
The story in this novel couldn’t be more  filmy then it was.  Rich families young lovers opposite attractions status differences, gosh it was a bunch of hindi movies mashed up into a single book.

It could be a nice novel for the kids born after 2010 since they haven’t gone through this crap in movies . Not as fruitful as it seemed to look from the cover.

Anyways, you can go for this one if you like typical bollywood stuff,  wasn't my thing though. 

Thursday 6 December 2012


What does make sense?
Infect does anything makes sense at all? I am four days away from my seventh semester’s main exams.  And after all plans and strategies, all the rough work and all the aims, motives, I am sitting on my desk, writing once again.
As I was left with 10 days for preparation for my exams, I decided to leave few things until I get rid of my exams. I signed off from gym for 20 days, I left college, meetings, social gatherings, even the writing, and when I say I left writing I mean I left pretty much “everything”. To give my whole hours to study and study only. But what am I left with?
Fake promises that I made to myself?  I have hardly read 10% of my whole course with no info about the 90% I still have to complete in four days.
Picking up book for 10 minutes, pick up facebook for another hour, a whole night to movies. I am watching movies more then I watch on regular days. Have I become a movieholic? Does that count in a disorder? I guess not as if it did, MS word would have approved it as a grammatical error free disorder.
Am I enjoying this break as a holiday from work cause all I do my whole time is eat sleep watch movies and add this hour to useless writing that won’t get me a regular pay check anyway?
When I used to go to college, I had this tight schedule of going college, sleeping afternoon sweating for 2 hours at gym and sleeping right at 2 or 3 am. Its late I know but even if it was late, I used to wake up again at same 7 in the morning.
But now, I sleep at 6 in the morning, I wake up at 4 in afternoon, the time when everyone works I lay dead on my bed. The time when everyone sleeps, I watch movies.
As I can recall, I’ve  seen rush, a typical hindi 2 and half star hindi movie, which was watchable for once but couldn't make a memorable impact on me and the rubysparks, which was an amazingly created movie made by a fresh mind.
I just can’t resist this urge to watch more and more of anything.
What am I up to with my life is a mystery to myself.  I am 20, will become 21 in the initial months of next year, except from age what am I gaining?

The spirit,
I am just loosing it…..!!