Sunday 17 February 2013

The bribe way is right way.

Most of my teenage was spend aloof from the system of government. Until 18 I didn't knew where to deposit electricity bill, where to fill income tax or even where to go to get a license for 2 or 4 wheeler vehicle.
I wasn't allowed to ride bike outside the safety region till my 18th birthday. As I stepped into my 18th year, my wise and law abiding father tossed the keys of a bike in front of me so that I can ride my way to college contentedly. But the first thing to do was to get a 2 wheeler driving license by Rajasthan transport office, piece of cake! I repeated in my head at first.
My father always told me that the right process is the easiest one, so I went into the RTO building and got a form filled with a driving safety guide book. As per the law I got into the queue and waited for my turn to submit my papers to the officers.
“You don’t have this paper, you don’t have that proof, this spelling isn’t correct, that name isn't correct” these were words of the inspector who tested my papers before cutting me off the queue. There, I was out of queue before even getting a learning license.
“Tough luck, I must get all papers but that would take forever” I thought for a while and I saw a guy smiling at my condition.
“She will throw you out even of your papers are 110% watertight, you’ll get your license sitting out of the queue effortlessly if you get help from right person” he spoke conveniently.
“How?” I shrugged.
“That would take 1000 bucks and you’ll get your full proof permanent driving license easily”
It wasn't that tough, I gave him a little advance and he wrote some symbols on the back side of my documents. I went back in the queue and surprisingly the lady inspector allowed me to give a learning license test.

 I got my permanent license as the guy told me, in a plain painless manner.
So was the 4 wheeler license process. I was failed at the driving exam when I took my own car in the field. But when I rented a car from one of the agent, even the worst driver would get a license if he drove a car from those agents, although my driving was pretty impressive.

What I or any teenager would have learned at that time was simple. “The bribe way is the right way”  
 The government pushes people to give bribe or else our work won’t get done in time and we’ll be stuck midst of the queue forever. Ever seen that movie? The gangster put a rat in a can and put the can over bare pot belly of one of his foul employee. He heats up the metal can by flaming it up, and the rat digs his way inside out through the belly of that foul employee. What’s my point is that government is the gangster and we are the rats. They don’t leave us any other choice but to dig our way through deceitfulness and then they brag about demolishing corruption from this country.
 This is what a common, a mango man learns in his life.
Today I am 21 and am applying for passport. I am already rejected once for submitting a birth certificate that wasn't up to government’s criteria. What’s my mistake if the birth certificate has not executed surname of my father correctly on that shitty piece of pen written paper?  They would overlook completely every other full proof genuine document, like my driving license, citizenship card or my marks sheets which have intact description of my eternity.
They want bribe but they won’t say it because security cameras are on, they might get trapped in some sting operation. Why is that? Why does they play with our lives, isn't their salary enough to feed them?  The next time I’ll apply for a passport, I’ll hire an agent beef him up and get my passport done.
Get it people, In Rome you live like Romans and in country like mine, the bribe way is right way, this is how system works here...
PS. I may get arrested to blog this post,
democracy is just in papers in this country….

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