Sunday 28 July 2013

The altitude...

Sunday, as usual..
After a rough working week, a person reaches heights of laziness once he enters in the premises of sunday.
Take me for an example,
1. I'm about to spend rest of my day on bed only.
2.Not a mighty thing could push me an inch on or out of it (except the wee break, that's the Lord's call ) 3.I've my laptop right beside me but I am texting this post on my smartphone since laptop would take some muscles to start.(finger is a muscle? Bones and stuff, isn't it?)
4. My mum put some protein shake on the side stand of the bed but I am thinking more then 10 times to move an inch and drink it or leave it as it is.(do I really need to drink it? It's not that I'll die without it? )
Well the eleventh thought of it stinking in my room got me up and bottoms it up as well, it took some hard core muscles to move(crawl would be appropriate word) to reach it and then I had to take it to the sink as well (the principle says "put the things on the same spot from where you take it, and i keep it to the heart, lalthough my room is a mess but the things don't leave their spot. The laptop, headset, A.C remote,data cables,  power cables every useable thing is on my bed and they never leave their spot, "principles" you see.

Sunday 14 July 2013


after typing millions of quotations for clients and their projects, Sunday is the only day I’ve open Microsoft word to update my life these days.
Yes, it’s been long since I updated my blog. No excuses, it’s not that I couldn't manage few minutes to write about myself but the only reason was “I became too lazy to think of anything new”

One year deposit in Talwalkers gym has been wasting since I joined my family’s business, Yeah that, I passed out of engineering. I wasn't into joining my family’s venture that soon but I don’t know how one day out of nowhere I dropped at the spot and told my father “Paa, I wanna start working” I really regret that day now. I could have gone on a nirvana trip or a long ride or catch up with all of my lost soul buddies, I could have done all of that but instead I went to office and here I am 21 and working and stuff. Running a venture where employees who works under me are 10 year older than me.(does that sound proportionate in anyway?)
By the way, the work is cool, I get to take over the solution branch of our company, IT solution, security solution, storage solutions, it has all cool stuff to work around, laptops, camera’s, servers, network,  corporate etc  and I do love it. I’ve always been the solution provider whenever it came to my friends and their problems. So one can it was my destiny to became one in the industry as well.
 Sadly there isn’t anyone left in my touch who I may call a friend anymore, there are employees  who gets friendly with me but there isn’t any friend left to accompany my weekend’s late night’s movie or a walk at city mall or just a ride to nowhere.
I don’t know where did it all went wrong, they didn’t left me without giving any sort of hints or I was too dumb to get any. Am I the only one who feels like that or there are others like me?
I feel like I am the only guy left in a field of dead.