Thursday 3 April 2014


Sometimes i think everything happens for good reasons but then i couldn't find either of good or bad reasons for my present....
I realized few people i used to call friends, had only motive to use me or my belongings for their own motives. After a brief moment i got the exact pattern they use in steps.
1. Hey buddy what's up.
Ans. Fine, what about you.
2. How have you been dude you look so dull. Lost weight or what?
Ans. I'm pretty much alright.
3. How's your entrepreneurship going?
Ans. As every starter's does, struggling stage.
4. Hey listen can i borrow your car for sometime, I've this hot date tonight and i want to make it special.
Dude i need a favor, can  you lent me some money i need to pay my tuition fee.
(And i feel like yelling, you're living on your father's money in another state just because your girl lives there and lying to your father about your coaching bullshit, seriously...)

I don't mind helping someone for a good cause, if one could just come straight to the point and cutting the *i missed you* crap. If you missed me, you would've called me when i needed *you*, not what you own.
Maybe I'm the rotten one, being cheated so many times, i feel like everyone needs everyone just for favors,
Maybe I'm the fault...

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