Thursday 11 April 2013

Age of rock...


Anxiety, envy, nervousness, brotherhood, crushes, victory, brawl, failure… 
plenty of keywords pops up in my mind whenever I hear this “school” word. Although I haven’t been the leading element of my class, but I hope that I still earned a blurred image in the memoirs of my mates back then. 
“From where shall I begin?” this would have been the first question, everyone would have asked themselves when they are told to speak about their school days, so did I. 
The moment paa left me at the door of 6th C would not be the very much appreciated memory. I was the unwelcomed new kid in the pack of old students. Precisely my name was “Roll no 38” for everyone in the first few days as it was pretty simple and trouble free to remember. Though I wasn’t much of an attention grabber kid, I made few friends, some who were before and after 38 and some who were alive with social interaction skills. 
Through the 6th standard, somehow I managed to slip into the pack of old students. Harsh, Swati, Yudhishtir, Shreem, Ajay, Chandrika, Vijay, Priyanka, Mridul, Ekta, Himanshu, Kuldeep,Anupam, Sachin .Pardon me if I forgot few names from the 6th standard, I guess I should be worried about the poor memory, maybe it’s a pre symptom of Alzheimer. 
As I passed through 6th standard and promoted into 7th, I faced several shocks and blows, Kuldeep got transferred from school, back then he was the closest buddy I had. We used to roam across physics lab and search for some damaged gadgets and used electric projects. Our dream was to become NASA’s scientists. It’s incongruous that we didn’t even know what N stands for in NASA. (I confess that I still don’t know it. National, neurological or Ninja? Maybe that’s why we’re not eligible enough for NASA, leaving the job for professionals)
Where I was still in a blow by loss of a close friend, surprise elements were added in class, Vikram and Disha. I have to accept that I wasn't too fond of Vikram at first, his hilarious drolly south Indian accent used to put me on laugh rides, but later I came to see his kind side and I became quite close to him. “Still remember the fight on the word ASS, I said ASS refers to donkey whereas Vikram….. Let’s just say you can imagine what he meant” (forgive me buddy, I now admit that an ass is not always a donkey) 
Whereas Disha was a party popper, a live wire on fire, she was one hell of an amusing character. I can’t even picture her face without a wide grin. I don’t have any recollection of her present but I hope she’s doing well in her own ways. 
Oh yes, how I can leave tales from 7th C without disclosing about the first crush of mine, or we shall say the first crush I remember of. It was an impossible one to crack and I laugh out loud whenever I think of her, we were kids, yes we were.
Ah and loss of Swati in 9th grade was not pleasing as well, an amazing singer lost in wilds(by wilds I meant “I am not in touch with her, not even Facebook”, if anyone know of her, please do tell me)

About love, till 10th standard I came to comprehend that love and crush are entirely poles apart. If a crush was love, I’ve fallen in and out of love plenty of times. 
Getting back to 10th standard, things really changed, friends changed, not much, they just turned into rivals. Actually life would have been incomplete without friends and rivals as well. We can’t live without both of them as they add the flavor to our eternity. 
11th grade, things got back to their places infect they got better, a fully loaded last bench. On one side there was me, Vikram, Yudhishtir and occasionally Rishabh joshi on the other side there was Aporva, Akshay, Milo. 2nd last row was dedicated to girls I think? Aayushi and…. Aayushi, that’s it I don’t remember anyone else, pardon me, infect don’t blame me. Aayushi is one of few peoples you can’t dare to forget. They are either capable to rock you’re world or throw rocks at you’re world and burn it to ashes (I mean it, stay in the good list of them or things can get really rough) what can I say. I was frightened of her to death. Not anymore but at the same point I don’t want to wake the lioness by offending her in anyways.
Aman, Shikhar and ashutosh, nothing much about them they were a trio, threesome, call it anything, I really couldn’t recollect any memories associated with them except that Aman was a jolly guy, Shikhar was a sporty guy, and Ashutosh was a guy, brainy guy? I don’t really remember much of him. Hope you all are happier than ever. 
Aayushi dhadich, priyam saxena, priyanka amteda &kratika I hope we’ll spend some more time in our next life’s school days. Indeed school life was too short and I was too dumb to talk to all of you. Wish you best for your life.
Jayant, you are the brainiest guy I ever crossed my path with and my man. You’re on one long road to success my friend.
Are you she(arushi sharma) I’ve always seen an mature person in you. You’re one go getter kind of person I met in my life.
A long gasp, it feels like I am about to die any moment and want to write about every student I ever met in school days before I take my last breath,
if I am not writing about you now then either I am a sick patient of Alzheimer and I pay my most modest apologies to you
OR you’ve been a complete douche bag in school days, a sincere middle finger salute to you.

Anyway, it has been an quintessential journey with you guys.. Do stick around whenever you get some spare time for your old pal.
PS: anyone up to make it a novel? Interested co-authors are most warmly welcome to my message box.

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