Monday 25 March 2019

Shiro the life saver

It was a hot afternoon and i was just returning from an excruciating session of science class from my coaching institute. As i approached toward the road to my home i saw a weak puppy, barely 20 days old, malnutritioned, abandoned, hardly able to stand on her feets, probably orphaned because i did not see any sign of her parents anywhere, i waited for an hour there while i was feeding her stuff from my lunchbox. She was hungry for sure because she gulped down entire parathas in barely 30 second.

Time passed by and there was no sign of anyone, already unemployed and a burden on my parents, i decided to take her home without thinking about the consequences. To my surprise my parents let me keep her on the condition that i have to let her go when she's able to stand on her feets.
And that was it, Shiro became part of our life on that day and has been ever since. Seeing her grow up was like seeing your own child grow, she have this utterly cute habit of eating from my hand when she's unwell or moody. She has every tantrum of a Diva and is fairly feminine in her ways.
I did not even know her gender until the vet confirmed that she's a girl.
Yes i have let her out of my sight and walk freely on road because as promised to my parents i have to let her go, it was hard on me as she's been there when i needed someone to just simply being there.

A few days ago she came home staggering and weaker then ever, she refused to eat anything and was just drinking water. A lady nearby conformed that she saw her pooping blood and i got very anxious and worried for her. My dad took our car to his work and i had no one who could help me take her to a vet, i took some neighborhood help and we took her to a vet. Sadly the vet told us she has contracted parvo virus.
To guys who do not know what parvo is, it is a terrible virus that attacks immune system of your pets and leave their intestines bleeding, there's too much diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. 90% dogs who contract parvo do not survive. You need to take the dog immediately to vet and get her on fluids transfer process in which they use drips to help with the dehydration as the pet won't eat or drink otherwise.

Shiro was put on IV bags and there was constant excretion of blood, she just couldn't hold any liquid, it was a killing moment for me because i already lost a pet to the parvo and couldn't even imagine going through the same again. The same process was repeated for the next few days, she was injected with so many drugs, her eyes were sunk in, her skin lost all the shine and felt like a shrinking dry leather.

Thanks to the great support by the vet and my parents Shiro survived and i couldn't be more happier. It looked like we saved her but she have been my saviour from the day she came to my life. I feel blessed to have someone like her in my life.

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