Saturday 5 January 2013

The dreamer: end of life.

At the age of 20, dreaming the end might sound a little out of mind to everyone, but it’s me, can’t help my dreams. I wish in the upcoming future, a device would emerge out of a mad scientist lab through which we can control our dream world, built things and put a story behind them. See, what reality takes away from us, peoples, moments, pleasure, intimacy, achievements and everything else.
Coming back to the past, few days ago, after a regular night show of southpark, I was off to my sleeping schedule as usual. Yes, I have fixed the momentary insomnia I was dealing with. I lay on bed at 12 and wake up around 10, though it’s a lot to be stuck with bed but as they say, “old habits die slowly ”.
As I lay down on bed, the dreams took me high and the utopia emerged in front of my closed eyes.  I was sitting on the back seat of a car along with few loved one’s…. Let’s just say I was alone (as I don’t wish to disclose the dark side of the dream and hurt the beloved peoples). The driver was lashing car in a pace. I was looking out of the window, the dark hills and mountains were lightened up with a peachy partial light of moon, and the ground was below thousands of meters of wavy road. The ground was enlightened with in numerous lights of households, produced a pleasing reflection of stars on ground that clearly showed up few mortals were still awake in the night.
As roads got dirtier, driver went extreme in his work and out of nowhere there was a gleaming creature standing in the middle of road with a luscious green glow rising from its body, I couldn't create a cliche pattern in my mind of a mortal. The driver twisted the steering in order to save the creature and in fraction of seconds we were off the track.  You know everyone of us have seen the same scene in millions of movies that a car is flipping around sky after a wrong turn, everything in going on in slow motion. Peoples in the car are drifting in a clockwise motion. It happens. It really happens exactly like that. The only variation is that it happens way too fast then it appears in movies.
We often see that the person who is about to die says something magnificent, something that’s craved in golden ink, something that creates milestones and histories in papers. Nothing like that happens in reality, not with me.
While my car was tossing in air like a coin does in a game of heads or tails, my words to myself were, “am I going to die?” and the car smashed into a giant mountain, crashed on the ground.  
I didn't felt any pain, not a bit, i was stuffed in a compressed car, and the roof was as equal as the bottom. I crawled out of the broken window and saw my fellow co passenger standing at some distance. With resting his one leg on a piece of rock he peacefully said, “It’s finished”, I looked around and everything was so calm and quiet, still uncertainly I said “what? What’s finished? We are safe, we made it” he said “we are, we made it to the next level” by sensing the uncertain and doubtful thoughts on my face, He said “look into the car, and you shell be free of all your qualms
As I peeked into the car I saw everyone wrapped in a single color, as if they have been through a blood bath, I couldn't verify any of them by their faces, but by the clothes they were wearing.
I realized I was dead, my conscience said “finally it’s over, no fears of getting any mortal diseases, no fear of anything, you’re free from everything”

My every recognizable information about becoming extinct and wandering ghosts was in vain. As what I saw, the spirit of dead is like an image in those CRT monitors. When you switch it off, the image stays there for some time. Same happens with spirits, they stays around their loved ones like a decaying image that disintegrates day by day and vanishes one final day of moksha

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