Monday 20 August 2012

The dreamer

I woke up in mid of night in a flash of seconds, it felt like a beam of current went through my body and I was sweating all over from head to toe, my body temperature was raised by few degrees, I checked the air conditioner to see if it’s working or not, to my surprise it was working utterly fine. I clicked my cell and it was 5 am in morning…
what just happened was an unknown mystery to me, Just a bad dream or something else?

I was unable to sleep for an hour after that incident, I popped up an aspirin and tried to sleep but it failed to help…
Eventually after sometime I went back to sleep but I didn’t went college for the next day because I was feeling an extreme tiredness, I wonder if my dream had anything to do with it.
If it was a regular dream I would have forgotten it the moment I came back from my senses but I remember every moment of it…
I was walking on a road in mid of a giant lawn which leaded to a white fort. The fort was quite aged that I could tell from the creamy layer that covered it entirely. There were plenty of vintage as well as modern vehicles parked outside of it. I knew that place somehow I knew each and every person in that place, I can’t make a sense out of it now but I did know it well while I was there. It belonged to me.
There were ancient marble benches on the both sides of the gate on which I found a girl sitting or I say waiting for someone, the more I went closer to her the more her face became familiar. I realized that she was my ex girl friend. But what was she doing there? I was shocked to see her. She came to apologize about everything she did to me and tried to explain briefly for her actions in past. I don’t remember what exactly she said or what I heard but I was convinced with her reasons…
As she came to that fort for the first time she requested me to give her a tour of that place. We walked through the stairs to the terrace, we roamed in the wet grass in the lawn and we sat on the same bench for hours.
She insisted to have a ride on one of the vehicles parked there so I took her to the parking to choose one. She pointed out a black Royal Enfield and was keen to have a ride on that bike. There was a care taker sitting on a chair besides all those vehicles that came in a pace to me and passed me the keys for the bike.

 I ignited the engine while she sat on my back holding my shoulder. I don’t remember anything about where we went by then, it was like a scene changed for me and I found myself in a garden sitting under a tree’s shed with her. We didn’t talk but just kept looking in each other’s eyes, I was immersed in her bottomless eyes and found peace in it.

You just can’t imagine how and when things change in a dream, when I looked away for a sec and saw her again, she was a different person, a dissimilar girl, a completely opposed girl, and I jumped off that place and screamed who are you? How did you come here? Where did she go?
And the girl was sitting extremely calm, she just acted like there was no one but her in that place, she gave a sarcastic smile and stood on her place…
I just turned around and tried to ran away from her, it was like I was running in full throttle but still didn’t moved a bit further from the place I was standing on…
she did nothing but smiled…
her smile frightened me to the hell, her being was killing me, I just wanted to elope from that place but I was helpless…
A track was being echoed in whole place…

If this world is wearing thin

And you're thinking of escape
I'll go anywhere with you
Just wrap me up in chains
But if you try to go alone
Don't think I'll understand

Stay with me
Stay with me…

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