Thursday 30 August 2012

Drunken Witch

Since I have to manage a 75% attendance in my college, I started attending it on a habitual basis. This is another hurdle for me to write regularly. 

As I remember, It was a weekend night when I was certainly tired from my burden of college, work out and some other stuff. I took my dinner at 10 and popped out a zinc capsule right after it, I checked few notifications on facebook   and after sometime I started yawning, my dizzy drowsy eyes signaled me to go to sleep. 

Around 10 minutes later when I was about to fall in a random dream site my freaking cell phone beeped for a text, I hated my cell more than anything at that moment, I ignored first beep and went back to sleep, after 2 minutes it beeped again and I unnoticed it that time as well. My cell started to ring and I finally I burst out and picked it up, it was an unknown caller and the moment I shouted “who’s this?” the call was disconnected. So finally someone was able to detach me from my sweet sleep, by a feeling of a little curiosity I checked my last inbox messages, that was an class mate of mine with whom I went for an industrial training in another town.

“I am fed up with these bitching gossips in our college,
who the fuck has been spreading these rumors of us being a couple?
 Please tell me because I am on the verge of breaking down,
I am going nuts by these cheap noises congesting me whenever I walk around the campus,
I quitted smoking on your request Yeshu, but I apologize,  I can’t hold it anymore….”

it was a mixed content of emotional and abusive words  that I can’t put on the blog or have any desire to think about them…
my mind said just a sentence
Congratulation miss Amy, your mission to ruin my night has been accomplished successfully

Sleep left my eyes again, I thought to text her back but that would be a difficult task for me to put it in enough words that how I was feeling at that moment, So I called her up, as expected the call went unanswered, not once but thrice. That was a sign for me to stop responding to any of her actions because she was asleep or drunk at that moment, I tuned into some songs to loosen up a bit and tried to sleep again but BANG, she happened again. 

She: hey! Hi… 
Me: Say?
She: You know what, I was umm (humming umm for 5 sec) driving my car at that moment, that’s why I didn’t pick up your call at that moment. 
Me: you live in a girls hostel Amy.
She:  I know that very well, actually I was flying kites that why I didn’t pick up your call.
Me: At 12 of the night?
She: umm hmm… (She agreed that she was flying kites at 12 of the night? My first assumption of her being drunk was true, I realized) 
Me: Okay than go back to sleep now, it’s getting late and we have a big day tomorrow, you forgot we have to give a presentation on the tourism website that we worked on, we will discuss everything tomorrow, okay?

(I just tried to make her forget about everything she texted me)

She: I am drunk, not fool okay? Tomorrow is Sunday.

(Well she was both, drunk as well as fool but not as much as I thought)

me: how much did you had Amy?
She: just a quarter of vodka.
ME: And?
She:  and a few shots of tequila, that’s it…!

(THAT’S IT? She was higher than her kites did)  

Me: okay now what do you want to talk about?

She: I was just thinking….

me: yes?
She: let me think first.( she shouted)
Me: okay okay…!

She: let’s start dating each other?
(I didn’t believe what she just said. She was completely out of her mind and so was I by her words)
Me: I don’t have any wish to date you Amy. I have never felt anything for you but a warm bond of friendship,

 good night and try to sleep.
She: Stop, don’t hang up on me, please. It’s just that I feel somewhat unaccompanied these days, my last boyfriend left me, my roomies hates me and living is unfair for me by now...

Me: It happens with everyone, its rule of life, you have to deal with it Amy, life is like this, things happen, you lose you win, life isn't a piece of cake.
She: utterly agreed. So am I not attractive enough or anything else? I mean, why don’t you give us a try? A try is harmless, isn't it?
Me: (laughed) try??? Are you kidding me? TRY?   
She: nope I am serious!
(I felt a bit sober tone in her voice)

Me: It’s my life and I play it with my rules. None of them says “date for a try” and I am really sleepy now    , drowsiness is all over my head so please, if you don’t mind..!

 I didn't said a bit after that but just hung up the call, first she said she is angry over rumors of us being called a couple  than she said she wants to date me than she sings the lonely song and then again date trap, that proves drunk girls are much more knottier  then ordinary one’s. The whole conversation was just awkward. 
I flushed down everything she said and went back to sleep,
 guess that night was just a misfortune for me.

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