Sunday 16 September 2012


“Yeshu, you have to dance this time, it’s our function and everyone must participate in it including you”, said Anil, who was managing our teacher’s day fest. It had been 2 years since I took part in any college festival, the reason was utter laziness or just lack of interested in anything, I don’t really know.
Last time I danced in a college fest was on 15th November of 2009, the foundation day of our college.
But it’s only day after tomorrow, that’s not enough time to prepare a performance” I replied.
 I was just running out from that situation since I wasn’t interested in anything at that time for me 3 hours were enough.
“I don’t know anything, you have to do it anyhow” Anil said and went away.

So now I had a task to prepare a dance performance. I was looking out for a group to perform together but that wasn’t a tough job to do since we have a mine of talent in our class (just kidding).
 There were plenty of peoples who agreed to perform together, they weren’t an expert or anything but they were eager to take part, that matters most, I got my group and the first thing on the list was checked. Now only 2 things were remaining from the list, a song and a superb choreography, we all agreed that we’ll search for some amazing popping songs and try to create few of our own steps on them, things were going well for us that time.

After a tough routine, I got some time at night to do some searching for song. I found few songs on which I could create some killer steps, I played those songs again and again and created a blue print of steps in my head, I was determined to rock the stage on teacher’s day.

So these are songs on which we are going to dance this time” I said in front of my group members. Few hopeful and few hopeless expressions popped out on their faces. A long discussion went on what to do, when to do and how to do, I already sensed that this won’t happen easily until we all take it a bit more seriously.
Finally they concluded that this can’t happen in a day and I felt devastated, I mean, how can they do anything like this, last day they all were highly pumped up on dancing and suddenly they failed on my expectations.

Screw it, I am not going to do it all alone”
I said it and went away to grab some lunch at our college canteen, on the way I found a classmate asking me for a hangout at a nearby spot,
I wasn’t in mood but still for her sake I agreed to go with them since I needed something to divert my mind from the chaos I had,
while having some Chinese I got a text by another girl from my class saying  ”will you be my partner in tomorrow’s dance?”
I felt like lord himself had text through that girl, I texted her back “sure” at an instant, and went back to college.
She already had a song in her mind, which she told me after I met her. It was a typical Bollywood song which I personally liked a lot.

She told me she doesn’t have a single step in her mind and I have to prepare it all at my own, she’ll just follow me.
I went home and started preparing for that song. It hardly took half an hour to choreograph the song and I slept peacefully that night.

The Showtime

I woke up an hour early that day since I had to pick her up on the way to college and teach her steps as well,
I reached our decided place on decided time but she wasn’t there, I tried to calm down and waited a bit for her arrival,
she reached there after I send her three texts and five miscalls. She did freaked me out, I felt like my morning was ruined by her….
She gave few old reasons which are constantly passed from generations to generations in girls.
I absolutely disregarded her words and ignited my bike. I drove as fast as I can scarring the hell out of her,

We reached college within 10 minutes and went straight into an empty room in which we can compose the entire song together,
that was another tough job for me since she wasn’t aware of any steps I did for that song.
She appealed to modify every step she found difficult to do and I changed that step to an easier one.

It took a lot time to teach her infect more than thrice the time to coach myself, we had only 4 hours left for our performance and we haven’t set up dance on even half of the song .
Somehow we finished our dance practice and went into the fest.
I was completely drenched by sweat while my partner was looking absolutely fine, that’s difference between girls and boys, you can’t tell a thing from a girl’s face but when t comes to a boy, you can read his story by the way he looks…
messed hairs, sweating face, disabled walk. My existence was telling what I went through in past few hours.
You look like shit, what happened?” asked a friend of mine.
“Long story, don’t ask” I said, and took a seat beside my friend.

Our performance was later than the first half of the function so I spend that time in taking a nap on last seat of function hall.
my cell buzzed up a text from my partner “let’s do a final rehearsal”,
I found that quite acceptable, “Coming” I replied.
We did a final rehearsal and went back stage where our coordinator told us we are next on the list.

Excited, nervous, scared and few more unknown feelings were inside us. It wasn’t first time I was about to dance but every time before performance I have these few feelings which are good in a way, a thought of failure is best motivator,
while taking my steps over stage I was holding a hand of my partner, my heart beat was getting louder and I suppose my partner was feeling the same,
 I was able to hear my name echoing from a crowd of faces I never knew,
 “I am a known face in our college”, I realized it that day,

I won’t say I rocked the stage, but we did,
although we forgot few steps I won’t deny that since we prepared that piece wholly in 4 hours only,
still we managed to give a good performance which appealed to audience as well as to our teachers ,
A performance followed by loud hooting and applauds…





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